Saturday 11 August 2012

Blogging Buffoon (reposted)

Ha ha! I've done it.

I had a link from a friend to help me set this blog site up, and still managed to mess it up! He even said it was simple (possibly talking about me). I have now realised that I set up my header for it but didn't actually put a post on it and in fact only managed half a job!

As to whether this was due to my lack of experience or eagerness to get my 101 list up, I'm unsure. It is however, a true sign that I need to make a regular effort to expand my knowledge in the world of technology and blogging. A little every day should go a long way. Practice as they say, makes perfect (or in my case just a little less useless)!

Guides' honour to make a concerted effort from here on in!

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