Wednesday 10 October 2012

Food - Cakes, bakes and other challenges (101 List # 33)

Currently updating this page, so more pics to follow!!!

Cake give aways (one cake a month to be baked and given away) :

Oct 2013
Destination: Trading Team, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Lemon Chiffon cake
Made: 17/10/13
(picture to follow)

Destination: Trading Team, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Ginger & Cinnamon Sugar cake
Made: 17/10/13
(picture to follow)

Sep 2013
Destination: Trading Team, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Sour milk chocolate orange & vanilla cake (peaks & curls)
Made: 24/08/13
(picture to follow)

Destination: SIS Drawdown, Skandia - Southampton
Type: Sour milk chocolate orange & vanilla cake (smoth & curls)
Made: 29/09/13
(picture to follow)

Aug 2013
Destination: The Russell family - Staplehurst, Kent
Type: Sour milk chocolate cake
Made: 24/08/13

July 2013
Destination: Trading Team, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Chocolate & cheesecake marble cake
Made: 12/07/13

June 2013
Destination: 2nd floor, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Dark chocolate & jaffa muffins
picture to follow

May 2013 TBA

Destination: Red & Blue pods, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Cherry Bakewell Muffins
Made: 21/04/13

April 2013
Destination: Thomas Chambers (dad's 71st birthday) - Southampton
Type: Banudge Muffins
Made: 09/04/13


March 2013 - penalty cake required

March 2013 Destination:

My cake making assistance. Purchased by my parents circa 1978. Still going strong...
Pic to follow..

February 2013
Destination: Ladies night at the Buckley's (Sara, Charlie, Jaynie & Kirstie) - Southampton
Type: Spiced apple cake
Made: 28/02/13

January 2013 penalty cake
Destination: SIS Drawdown, Skandia - Southampton
Type: Greek honey & lemon squares
Made: 18/02/13

January 2013 (deadline missed - penalty cake required)
Destination: SIS Drawdown, Skandia - Southampton
Type: Banana & chocolate cake
Made: 18/02/13

December 2012
Destination: Tom & Gill Chambers, Southampton
Type: Bakewell Mincepies
November 2012
Destination: 2nd Floor, Alan & Thomas Insurance Group - Southampton
Type: Spiced apple & pear cake

October 2012
Destination: TBA

September 2012
Destination: David Chambers - Brixton, London, England
Type: Chilli, chocolate & orange drizzle

August 2012
Destination: Andrew & Gillsy Cowell - Bonnybridge nr Falkirk, Scotland
Type: Chocolate, raisin & beetroot

Literary tall order - a book challenge (101 List # 19)

I love reading but recently have not spent enough time doing so. This may have been a combination of time, motivation of a good book or just laziness! So, as part of my challenge, I aim to read my height in books, 20 of which must be suggested by friends.

Objective - to read my height in books during my 1001 days challenge. I am just under 5' 3" (160 cm).

Books read:

Sourcery by Terry Pratchett - completed Oct 2012 - "   cm   ( achieved   to go)
The Mask by Dean Koontz - completed Oct 2012 -  "   cm   ( achieved   to go)
The Thread by Victoria Hislop - completed Nov 2012 - " cm (achieved to go)
Dean Koontz By the Light of the Moon – Dec 2012 - " cm (achieved to go)
Daphne du Marier – Rebecca - Mar 2013 - " cm (achieved to go)
Simon Clark - Lucifer's Ark - April 2013 - " cm (achieved to go)
Deant Koontz - Frankenstein: The Dead Town - May 2013 - " cm (achieved to go)
Simon Brett - Blotto, Twinks and the Ex-King's Daughter - June 2013 - " cm (achieved to go)
E M Forster - A Passage to India -

Current book:
Deant Koontz - Strangers (in progress)

Suggested reads (in order of reply on Facebook):

Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier.
One Day by David Nicolls,
Tim Holmes                           
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
jitterbug Perfume - Tom Robbins
The Awakenings - Oliver Sacks
Tales of the city - Armistead Maupin
Life of Pi - Yann Martel
the hobbit
The Amulet of Saurand
Artemis Fowl series
Garth Nix trilogy - Lireal, the Abhorsen and .... Can't remember the other one
David Gemmell
Room, A thousand splendid suns, green mile....
Neutral Buoyancy, adventures in a liquid world, Tim ecott
The Fall of Yugolsavia, Misha Glenny.
Anything by David Mitchell - not the comedian.
A fortunate life - AB Facey
Rowing it Alone - Debra Veal
The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts.
Lord of The Rings
Pillars of the Earth and any other book written by Ken Follett X
David Gemmel
The kite runner
The book thief
Random Acts of Heroic Love - Danny Scheinmann
A Room With a View, A Passage to India - EM Forster
Stasiland - Anna Funder
A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters - Julian Barnes
Snow Country - Yasunari Kawabata
Life of Pi
Day of the triffids
Ender's game
Try the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
Erica James - the Holiday
Weaveworld - Clive Barker
The Golden Age of Censorship by Paul Hoffman
K-Pax by Gene Brewer
Your mum recommends: A Death Divided by Claire Francis
any by Jessica Blair (Whitby tales).

Sunday 12 August 2012

All Creatures Great & Small (101 List # 34)

I love all the different creatures I come across in my garden, even those that I'm not fond of such as the spiders who serve a purpose and make beautiful webs (just not keen on them near me or in my house) and snails and slugs, whilst eating most of my tender plants go on to feed birds and hedgehogs. So, I have decided to make a concerted effort to increase the number and types of wildlife that visit my garden.

At present, I have a Gardman feeding station but previously I only had the standard seed and peanut tube types, fat ball holders and a feeding platform. It also has a bird bath but sadly, the plastic dish that holds the water has perished over the last few years and I am trying to find a suitable replacement. The new feeder I have added has a cage round it to allow smaller birds in and prevent larger animals snacking on its contents. I'm happy to feed the big guys just that I have some very greedy wood pigeons that scoff everything and a cunning squirrel (Steven) who is equally hungry.

I am also trying different types of seed mixes to attract different types of bird such as robins & songbirds. A friend has also posted a recipe for homemade suet cake which I will try in the cooler months.

Next project will probably be to make my own hedgehog house. I need to get it in and positioned in advance of autumn so my current Mr or Mrs Tiggiwinkle (who's been visiting for a while now) can actually find it before they need to use it so will be doing some internet research on how to & best spot for it in my garden.

Oh, and in addition, I’m feeding a hoard of mice in the shed where I store the nuts, seed & mealworms. They’re very partial to the peanuts and the plastic tubs they’re stored in so will have to invest in some metal containers or find some old sweet/biscuit tins!

I would love any suggestions on bringing more wildlife in.

Here is a picture of my station with the new caged feeder at the front.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Tunes & Toe Tapping (101 List # 14)

8th June - Stone Roses @ Finsbury Park, London



4th Feb 2013 - The Cavern Club, Matthew Street, Liverpool

On a trip up to Liverpool for Uncle Gerry's 65th/retirement party, we did the tourist thing - open top buss rides, LiverpoolEye and so forth. A trip had to include a session at the Cavern Club where we were lucky enough to get front row seats (mainly as it was about 2 in the afternoon) and catch Tony McCaldon a solo artist doing Beatles & contemporary songs(Tony Mac) and The Two of Us, two brothers' tribute to Lennon & McCartney
If you haven't been, go (even if you're not a fan of the Beatles - worth it for the great atmosphere - they have decent beer too). Oh, The Cavern pub nearby serves food but not tried it,



Last Friday, I went to the Wickham Festival in Hampshire following an an invite from my cousin & his fiancee.

The line up was something different from what I'd normally go to but thought it was still a good chance to catch up with everyone and have a few ciders!

I only caught the last 2 acts but I was amazed at how good they were and the fact that they got the crowd really joining in. Despite all the ageing hippies with their chairs in the tent (evil tripping devices) everyone really got into it!

Top: L & R - K T Tunstall
Bottom: L & R - The Proclaimers

I don't think I've danced that much in a long time without having to have a lot of Dutch courage before hand!

Shame I missed tribute band The red Hot Chilli Pipers as I'm a huge fan of the originals and would've been good to see I think.

A great night with great people and must be done again.

Blogging Buffoon (reposted)

Ha ha! I've done it.

I had a link from a friend to help me set this blog site up, and still managed to mess it up! He even said it was simple (possibly talking about me). I have now realised that I set up my header for it but didn't actually put a post on it and in fact only managed half a job!

As to whether this was due to my lack of experience or eagerness to get my 101 list up, I'm unsure. It is however, a true sign that I need to make a regular effort to expand my knowledge in the world of technology and blogging. A little every day should go a long way. Practice as they say, makes perfect (or in my case just a little less useless)!

Guides' honour to make a concerted effort from here on in!

101 Things...The Beginning

101 Things To Do In 1001 Days

Someone recently introduced me to this concept (they are actually about to start their second list) and I was really taken by the idea of a super list with lists within it (I’m a sucker for a good list)!
On actually taking the time to draw mine up (several weeks and just as many drafts), I realised exactly how much I really wanted to do (and still hadn’t done so far in my life).
The first 80 were easy, the next 20 harder. Then I had an epiphany. I’ve since had to have a massive cull (more for next time I suppose)!
I have really tried to push the boundaries on challenging my capabilities and putting myself outside of my comfort zone on occasion.
This list will give me clear goals and direction for the next 1001 days. In addition, getting to fulfil some lifetime goals and embarking on a journey of self discovery!

Start date: 1st August 2012
End date: 29th April 2015

In progress (but not completed)
Incomplete (not yet started)

The list itself:

  1. Make a list of steps to increase my make-up artistry work
I qualified as a VAI theatrical & media make-up artist over 10 years ago with the intention of changing my career. Sadly, this has gone the way of a paid hobby. I would like to make a step in the right direction.

  1. Visit new 5 overseas locations
I really enjoy travelling to different places and meeting different people. One must be in a country I haven’t visited before, so, finances may restrict this.

  1. Create a capsule wardrobe.
I have far too many clothes. Many are old, don’t fit, mismatched or impulse buys. This will reduce my regular dilemma of what to wear.

  1. Set up an effective system to manage my paperwork
I have a huge backlog of statements & receipts and need get them reduced in volume and so I can keep it in order without it being such a chore.

5.      Throw away 101 items

I have a very cluttered home at the moment. I hate to throw things away there’s always the thought that it will come in handy for something, one day. This will be a good exercise to be more decisive in decision making.

  1. Sell 101 items on eBay
Anything I no longer want or use. The funds from which will forward treating myself and funding other items on this list.

  1. Recycle 101 items
Items which I cannot sell will be sent to a recycling bin or donated to charity.

  1. Refresh existing & develop new make-up artistry skills
I have not really pushed myself in the last few years and this will assist me in creating a higher quality in my portfolio. I will make a list of at least 10 skills I want to improve e.g. making my own latex prosthetics.

  1. Redecorate my kitchen/dining room
I spend a lot of time in my kitchen and entertain a lot there. It is in relatively good condition but needs freshening up – a repaint, new work tops and I would like to complete my long laid plans of reupholstering and re-varnishing my chairs

  1. Take a photography class/join a club
I studied photography when I was at art college and my skills are somewhat rusty these days. It would be nice to take a really good photograph using an SLR/DSLR camera and would help in building my makeup portfolio and taking pictures while travelling around.

  1. Go the Globe Theatre London to watch at least one Shakespeare play
I have read a lot of Shakespeare’s plays and watched a few too. I always seem to miss the season here so would be amazing to finally get round to enjoying the atmosphere of this venue.

  1. Watch 20 new films outside of Cineworld
I love watching films and want to increase the variety of quality films I’ve viewed. At present I have seen over ½ of the 250 top IMDB list so need to set a challenge. I will now look at the 1001 list on IMDB as a guide and ensure that at least 5 are foreign films. Recommendations are welcome.

  1. Go and see 5 stage productions
I enjoy going to the theatre and would like to do this more often.

  1. Attend 6 music events (min 2 never seen before).
I enjoy listening to live music; it really gives me a buzz and need to get back into it.

  1. Stop smoking
A long standing battle of mine and would nice to be able to put this one to rest.

Commenced 14th October 2012 (slip ups 10/11/13 & 25/01/13)

  1. Create a health & fitness plan & stick to it
My weight has fluctuated over the last 10 years and I would like to generally improve my health & fitness levels.

  1. Fill a sketchbook with drawings
I went to prestigious art college a while ago and I feel this is a talent I have (which gives me great pleasure) that is not used enough.

  1. Complete Greek Modern Language level 3
Communicating with locals is very enriching and beneficial. It would be good to get another step towards my degree!

  1. Read my height in books 5' 3" (20 of these must be suggested by others)
I hope to beat this as I am rather short when not in my usual 4” heels! I’m sure I will benefit from widening my reading spectrum. It will also give me the incentive to visit the library more frequently.

  1. Reduce alcohol intake
This is a biggy for me as I do like my booze. I will formulate a plan which shall include giving up alcohol for 2 months. I’m sure it will contribute to my health & fitness no end and promise to still partake of all of my usual social events!

  1. Make a list of 50 things I like about myself and put it on my mirror
Everyone has their low days and this will be an ideal pick me up

  1. Write a letter to 5 people who have positively influenced me/changed my life for the better
I will send each of them a handwritten letter thanking telling them why, and thanking them.

  1. Go orienteering
I enjoy long walks and would be fun to actually have an aim as opposed to my usual wandering round in a rough direction. Something new for me!

  1. Go shooting
Something I’ve always wanted to do and will improve my hand eye coordination. Not sure whether clay pigeon, rifle range or hunting yet.

  1. Make my own sausages & cook them for friends outside on a barbecue
I enjoy cooking and sausage making has always looked rather fun.

  1. Take a 3 dish cookery challenge
I feel I am quite accomplished in the kitchen but don’t think I challenge myself enough. Suggestions welcome.

  1. Run in a 10k race
I entered the B&Q race 3 years ago but had to pull out at the last moment due to ill health. I have run in 5k races with ease, but need to push myself further.

  1. List 12 places I’d like to visit within English Heritage & National Trust within the 1001 days
I like to get out and about and am often stuck on where to go, so having a list makes decisions easier.

  1. Listen to a new album each month
I enjoy a variety of music but haven’t made the effort for a few years and listen to the radio, mostly (laziness?).

  1. Make 6 people a piece of jewellery
I find it very relaxing and will be nice to make gifts of them.

  1. Baby/pet/house sit for 3 people
I own a cat myself (Poppy) and often rely on others to look after her while away. I t can often be hard to find people prepared to help out so will be nice to return a favour – not everyone has a pet.

  1. Visit The Tower of London and attend the ceremony of the keys
I have walked past here many times through work, but have never had the time to go in.

  1. Make a cake a month and give it away to someone
Another area in my cooking skills that I neglect is baking sweet things. Who’s going to say no to a home made cake?

  1. Introduce more wildlife into my garden
I love my garden and it would be good to see a wider variety of creatures in it (even making a home for them).

  1. Attend a classical music concert
I really enjoy this genre and listen to it on the radio when I need to de-stress. I’m not sure where I will go, but will have the opportunity to have a think about it now.

  1. Learn a magic trick
It will make a change from my usual “drinking” tricks and can hopefully wow people at dinner parties & weddings!

  1. Take a course/get help on improving my computer skills (or lack of them!)
I took GCSE computer studies, but this was before the internet! I refer to myself as a techno-idiot and would like to be more knowledgeable and self reliant in this field. I will include in this how to create a blog or another method to hold this list and regularly write about my progress (hopefully getting feedback).

  1. Make a list of 100 interesting English words and add them to my active vocabulary
Whilst I do talk a LOT, it would be useful to have a wider and more interesting vocabulary.

  1. Make a recipe book from all loose ones I own
I had, at one point over 300 cookery books. I had a cull but still have a bucket load of loose recipes hanging around. They must be tried and tested by me. And (as part of this) I will share 10 of my successes with others.

  1. Take a flight in a helicopter
A real thrill, if expensive so I will choose where I do it very carefully to maximise the memory.

41.  Visit 2 public gardens

Gardening & plants are a love of mine and need to stretch past Hampton Court Flower Show!

42.  Do a self check once a month

It’s easy for me to loose direction in life and how I conduct myself.

  1. Learn how to play backgammon or chess
Something I’ve never really tried and I think this will be good as it will exercise my brain and could even be fun.

  1. Visit the cinema at least twice a month using my Cineworld card
I pay for membership but don’t make enough of an effort to go.

  1. Go camping at least 5 times
I used to go camping a lot when I was younger and a pastime I really miss.

  1. Make something for Oscar, my nephew
He is currently 2 months old and would like to make quality keepsakes for him. They must be delivered in person as this will mean I make a conscious effort to visit regularly.

  1. Go zorbing
Bit of a thrill but will probably scare me witless.

  1. Visit 10 new places in the UK & NI
There is many a place here that I would like to visit. I will make a list which I will try to cover all countries.

  1. Go on a 10m bike ride
I have a new bike and it would be really good to push myself on distance as at present I go to the shops or work and not much of a challenge.

  1. Try a new restaurant every 6 months
I love food but often end up going to the same dozen restaurants. This will help with broadening my culinary experiences.

  1. Make a daily/weekly/monthly beauty regime and stick to it
I should look after myself more than I do and shall treat it as a pamper as opposed to a chore.

  1. Volunteer to do charity work 6 different occasions
I have helped out with various charities before and have found it really rewarding and will be of benefit to them in times of recession.

  1. Buy a new iPod or similar device
To allow me to listen to more music on the go.

  1. Climb a mountain
Not sure which one yet but will be a great accomplishment and hopefully an amazing view (with pictures).

  1. Sell old cameras & film to aid upgrade to a DSLR camera
This will aid success of other items in this list. Looking forward to buying one although I will probably get a 2nd hand one and will need to do some research, so may take a while to find the right one. Suggestions?

  1. Rid the pond of duckweed
It’s overwhelmed with the stuff following theft of a contaminated oxygenating plant from my parents pond while they were away – must show no signs for 3 consecutive months.

  1. Make a piece of art/sculpture/display for the garden
Nice talking point for guests when the weather is good enough to sit out!

  1. Get someone else to set a task for me to do on this list
Help required here, please!

  1. Throw 3 themed parties
I love getting together with friends/family for parties. I would like to throw a fancy dress, cocktail, wine & cheese – maybe even the same time for one of my birthdays in the 1001 days!

  1. Have a car boot sale
I have a load of things including garden plants I potted up to sell and haven’t got round to it.

  1. Help someone with something their list
Might even be a new experience for me!

62.  Create an up to date birthday/Christmas wish list with useful/practical things

I never know what I want for my birthday so end up receiving alcohol, chocolates or toiletries. It will be nice to be specific or get people to club together for a larger item.

  1. Get my tattoo refreshed
I got a tattoo of my cat Bonny when I was 18. It’s a little faded and I lost her feet early on so would be nice to bring her back to life and maybe add something to compliment it (must be self designed & have personal meaning).

  1. Learn to ride a horse properly
I’ve ridden about 4 or 5 times and would be nice to have more confidence on such a majestic creature.

  1. Get properly measured for a bra & throw away all my underwear and start again
A really bad hoarder on this front! I have a whole draw of really nice stuff but would be nice to get one that definitely fits. I will do this once I have hit target weight as this affects size!

  1. Learn how to identify 10 different constellations
I love looking at the stars and will be nice activity to do when camping or on holiday abroad. 

  1. Catch a fish myself from a boat & cook & eat it
Been in a boat before, caught my own fish before, but would be good to do them all at once.

  1. Don’t swear for a week
I can have a very foul mouth on occasion so would be good to keep this in check – the increased vocabulary will assist me in expressing myself (not to be done in my alcohol free spell – far too easy otherwise)!

  1. Spend a minimum of one day without technology
I shall ‘unplug’ from all technology for a minimum of 24 hours. This will have to be a day when I am not working in the office as this wouldn’t be viable otherwise, unless I wanted to be sacked! 

  1. Learn how to say I love you in 10 different languages
Everyone likes to be told they’re loved, and a nice one for friends & family!

  1. Milk a cow/goat & make my own cheese
Hopefully I won’t get trampled or poison anyone!

72.  Take a self portrait for each month during the 1001 days

This will be a good record of how I change over the duration of the project. I will add a one word comment on my mood the day I capture my image.

  1. Invest in a quality wrist watch
We spend a lot of time obsessed with it. Might as well be a nice piece.

  1. Find/take 10 pictures of myself I'm happy with and say why I like them
I don’t really like most pictures of myself so will help me be less self conscious and happier with my appearance.

  1. Make a make up brush tool belt
I have the fabric & a good sewing machine, just never got round to doing it and will be invaluable on set.

  1. Write a letter to myself to read at the end of the 1001 days
Good to see how my thoughts and feelings change of the period.
  1. Complete a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle
I enjoy doing puzzles but haven’t done one this big.

78.       Attend 2 live sporting events

I enjoy the buzz of being in the crowd and soaking up the atmosphere.

  1. Own a pair of diamond earring studs
Apparently, they are a girl’s best friend!

  1. Go to a theme park and ride every ride
I love theme parks and love the thrill of a ride.

  1. Have a healthy portfolio of stocks/shares/ISAs/similar investments and increase it by 20%

  1. Frame 10 pictures and hang them in my house
Something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time.

  1. Learn Thai massage
I had my first Thai massage whilst on holiday recently and loved it. I will give one to 10 friends (ask 
 that they make a donation to a charity of their choice).

  1. Go and watch a film on my own
Outside my comfort zone. As whilst I’m fine in my own company, find it hard to do things in public on my own.

  1. Make a list 20 galleries, museums & exhibitions to visit in the 1001 days
Visit a minimum of 10 (at least 3 of them should be free admission)

  1. Sort, file & label all of my photos.
It’s a mess.

  1. Plant a tree on Earth Day
Earth Day is 22 April each year. Possibly something in my garden to promote new wildlife.

88.  Visit 2 food Festivals

Food is fun, isn’t it!

  1. Influence someone else to make a list
As someone did for me.

  1. Make my own jam/marmalade and give 75% away to friends/family

  1. Successfully grow 3 types of vegetables
My efforts here have been sporadic over the years.

  1. Eat 3 things I’ve never tried before
I eat most things but should really push myself in new stuff. Souffle, chicken hearts

  1. Learn the alphabet in sign language
That way, someone can understand me in a slowed down version.

  1. Take a picture of the same place every month for a year then make it into a calendar
I love the range of seasons here and would be great to capture their beauty.
  1. Be silent for an entire 24 hours
This will be a very challenging task as I always talk – even in my sleep. Hopefully, I will have a better understanding of quality not quantity!

  1. Learn to dance a full dance e.g. salsa/tango
I love dancing but don’t do it enough, well with any co-ordination/sobriety!

  1. Do some guerrilla gardening
This is gardening on land that the gardeners do not have legal right to use, often an abandoned site or area not cared for by anyone. I will find a local group, enlist some friends or less likely, do it on my own.

  1. Go a month without crisps/snacks
They are my downfall so this will be a hard task.

  1. Make a Rube Golding machine
This will be quite outside my normal realm of tinkering so any success will be interesting (wasn’t great at physics or design technology at school but feel I’ve had to be more creative owning a home).

  1. Eat vegetarian only for a fortnight
I love meat so will really miss it but will give me the change to explore food from a different perspective.

  1. Refer back to this list every week
I must update progress I’ve made and ensure I write in my hopefully, newly created blog as well.