Wednesday 10 October 2012

Food - Cakes, bakes and other challenges (101 List # 33)

Currently updating this page, so more pics to follow!!!

Cake give aways (one cake a month to be baked and given away) :

Oct 2013
Destination: Trading Team, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Lemon Chiffon cake
Made: 17/10/13
(picture to follow)

Destination: Trading Team, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Ginger & Cinnamon Sugar cake
Made: 17/10/13
(picture to follow)

Sep 2013
Destination: Trading Team, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Sour milk chocolate orange & vanilla cake (peaks & curls)
Made: 24/08/13
(picture to follow)

Destination: SIS Drawdown, Skandia - Southampton
Type: Sour milk chocolate orange & vanilla cake (smoth & curls)
Made: 29/09/13
(picture to follow)

Aug 2013
Destination: The Russell family - Staplehurst, Kent
Type: Sour milk chocolate cake
Made: 24/08/13

July 2013
Destination: Trading Team, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Chocolate & cheesecake marble cake
Made: 12/07/13

June 2013
Destination: 2nd floor, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Dark chocolate & jaffa muffins
picture to follow

May 2013 TBA

Destination: Red & Blue pods, Aviva - Southampton
Type: Cherry Bakewell Muffins
Made: 21/04/13

April 2013
Destination: Thomas Chambers (dad's 71st birthday) - Southampton
Type: Banudge Muffins
Made: 09/04/13


March 2013 - penalty cake required

March 2013 Destination:

My cake making assistance. Purchased by my parents circa 1978. Still going strong...
Pic to follow..

February 2013
Destination: Ladies night at the Buckley's (Sara, Charlie, Jaynie & Kirstie) - Southampton
Type: Spiced apple cake
Made: 28/02/13

January 2013 penalty cake
Destination: SIS Drawdown, Skandia - Southampton
Type: Greek honey & lemon squares
Made: 18/02/13

January 2013 (deadline missed - penalty cake required)
Destination: SIS Drawdown, Skandia - Southampton
Type: Banana & chocolate cake
Made: 18/02/13

December 2012
Destination: Tom & Gill Chambers, Southampton
Type: Bakewell Mincepies
November 2012
Destination: 2nd Floor, Alan & Thomas Insurance Group - Southampton
Type: Spiced apple & pear cake

October 2012
Destination: TBA

September 2012
Destination: David Chambers - Brixton, London, England
Type: Chilli, chocolate & orange drizzle

August 2012
Destination: Andrew & Gillsy Cowell - Bonnybridge nr Falkirk, Scotland
Type: Chocolate, raisin & beetroot

Literary tall order - a book challenge (101 List # 19)

I love reading but recently have not spent enough time doing so. This may have been a combination of time, motivation of a good book or just laziness! So, as part of my challenge, I aim to read my height in books, 20 of which must be suggested by friends.

Objective - to read my height in books during my 1001 days challenge. I am just under 5' 3" (160 cm).

Books read:

Sourcery by Terry Pratchett - completed Oct 2012 - "   cm   ( achieved   to go)
The Mask by Dean Koontz - completed Oct 2012 -  "   cm   ( achieved   to go)
The Thread by Victoria Hislop - completed Nov 2012 - " cm (achieved to go)
Dean Koontz By the Light of the Moon – Dec 2012 - " cm (achieved to go)
Daphne du Marier – Rebecca - Mar 2013 - " cm (achieved to go)
Simon Clark - Lucifer's Ark - April 2013 - " cm (achieved to go)
Deant Koontz - Frankenstein: The Dead Town - May 2013 - " cm (achieved to go)
Simon Brett - Blotto, Twinks and the Ex-King's Daughter - June 2013 - " cm (achieved to go)
E M Forster - A Passage to India -

Current book:
Deant Koontz - Strangers (in progress)

Suggested reads (in order of reply on Facebook):

Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier.
One Day by David Nicolls,
Tim Holmes                           
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
jitterbug Perfume - Tom Robbins
The Awakenings - Oliver Sacks
Tales of the city - Armistead Maupin
Life of Pi - Yann Martel
the hobbit
The Amulet of Saurand
Artemis Fowl series
Garth Nix trilogy - Lireal, the Abhorsen and .... Can't remember the other one
David Gemmell
Room, A thousand splendid suns, green mile....
Neutral Buoyancy, adventures in a liquid world, Tim ecott
The Fall of Yugolsavia, Misha Glenny.
Anything by David Mitchell - not the comedian.
A fortunate life - AB Facey
Rowing it Alone - Debra Veal
The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts.
Lord of The Rings
Pillars of the Earth and any other book written by Ken Follett X
David Gemmel
The kite runner
The book thief
Random Acts of Heroic Love - Danny Scheinmann
A Room With a View, A Passage to India - EM Forster
Stasiland - Anna Funder
A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters - Julian Barnes
Snow Country - Yasunari Kawabata
Life of Pi
Day of the triffids
Ender's game
Try the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
Erica James - the Holiday
Weaveworld - Clive Barker
The Golden Age of Censorship by Paul Hoffman
K-Pax by Gene Brewer
Your mum recommends: A Death Divided by Claire Francis
any by Jessica Blair (Whitby tales).